owner support email: samthatman5+t0x1cServer@gmail.com
main assistance email, who should help with most problems: eastonsmith425+serversupport@gmail.com
main server ip address (java edition): t0x1c21.aternos.me:11554
main instructions unpon joining: use /register (your password here) (you password here again) to register. This is for security.
after registering and if you rejoin use /login (yourpassword).
to use basic items such as shop, first you need to get money, aquire a lot of items such as dirt or sugar cane and use /sellgui and sell all of the items you got and are ready to sell. Next use /shop to buy things.
if youd like to be opped contact owner email.
join the discord! https://discord.gg/RZDzZZdp
Survival Minecraft Servers